Thursday, 12 January 2017

Sukhasana | Yoga the way to Workout of My Life

Sukhasana | Yoga the way to Workout of My Life

Sukhasana is a Sanskrit Word "सुखासन". In English it is call as Easy Pose or some times it is also call Pleasant Pose. It is one of the wonderful asana for Yoga to Workout of My Life. Like savasana asana it is most simplest Yoga asana and having great importance itself. Regarding padmasana, this asana is best workout routines. Padmasana is incur problem for them who has physical knees problem so that Suakhasana is most powerful and easiest self Workout Yoga asana. Most people think that this asana is not much effective for meditation  Some schools do not consider it to be as effective for prolonged meditation sessions because it may possibility to slump forward during sitting. For the beginners they have to sit with back to a wall or they can also put pillow under their buttocks because it is also beneficial for sitting for long time.

Sukhasana- Yoga-the-way-to-Workout-of-My-Life
Sukhasana | Yoga the way to Workout of My Life
Easy Pose that is Sukhasana is a most basic yoga asana. It name itself describe the asana that is most easiest ans comfortable asana that best of Art of Living.

How To Do Sukhasana ?

  • Sit with straight back .
  • Simply Cross your legs such that left leg comes under right knee and right leg comes under left knee.
  • Place both hand on knees in such that both palms are down position 

Benefits Of Sukhasana

  • Bring relaxation in brain.
  • feel free form mental stress.
  • Improves body alignment.
  • Increases Concentration power 

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Savasana | Yoga the way to Workout of My Life

Savasana | Yoga the way to Workout of My Life

Yoga is one of the best way to train mentally and physically. It contain poses, breathing practices, meditations. Savasana is most easiest and powerful asana which help to bring Relaxation and meditation. Savasana is the best way to Workout of My Life because it bring me towards reality through relaxation and meditation. Savasana helps to remove stress and bring rest for our mind.

Savasana helps to decreases heart rate and blood pressure as well. It increases internal energy levels and also boost up the memory and concentration power.  Savasana also helps to bring easy sleep. One great thing about savasana is everyone can do it and can make well Art of Living. If we will do savasana as our daily Workout Routine then definitely we can get Fitness mentally as we as physically.
Savasana- Yoga-the-way-to-Workout-of-My-Life
Savasana | Yoga the way to Workout of My Life

How to do Savasana ?

As we know that Savasana is the most essential part of our yoga practices. Savasana is most simple asana for that just follow below steps
sleep on the back
spread both the arms and legs approximately 45 degrees
Closed the eyes
Take deep breathing with holding inner breath as you can.

In this position entire body is relaxed onto the floor only awareness of the chest with each breath. Expert recommended that we all have to do Savasana everyday atleast 20-30 minute.

Benefits of Shavasana

  • Relax whole body.
  • Releases stress
  • Releases depression as well as tension.
  • Improvement of concentration.
  • Improves mental health.
  • Maintain blood circulation.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Pranayana | Yoga the way to Workout of My Life

Pranayana | Yoga the way to Workout of My Life

Pranayana | Yoga the way to Workout of My Life
Regarding Yoga, "Pranayama is one of the finest way to control Our Breath". "Pranayama" word is combination of two word "Prana" and "ayama".  "Prana" is a Breath which we can consider as a vital energy in the body, and "ayama" means manage or control. So that Pranayama means "Controlling or Manning Breathing system of body". Human can control and manage the system of body and can get energy as well as achieve healthy body with powerful mind. So here we can say that Pranayana is one of the best way to Workout of My Life. Regarding Meditation Pranayana has it own importance.

Starting up Pranayama

One can start the Pranayama after getting stability in sitting position. If continuously we sit  for three hours in
same asana, then we can get great benefits.At time of biganing we have to start from half hour practice to sit.

Benefits of Pranayama

  • Decrease mental stress.
  • Improves the body functions.
  • Helpful for asthma patient.
  • Increase Oxygen level in the body.
  • Increases concentration level .

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Padmasan | Yoga the way to Workout of My Life

Padmasan (Lotus position) | Yoga the way to Workout of My Life

At time of doing any Yoga Asana, at that time it's very essential thing to be alert and be conscious. Before starting Yoga Asana as a Workout of my life we have to maintain concentration and also to be relax because it has huge importance in the practice of yoga.
Padmasana is one of the basic Asana or position to bring concentration and relaxation in our body and mind. Padmasana is also known as a Kamalasana, in English it is known as a Lotus Position. It is only best position for meditation.
If we consider Padmasana as a Exercise then it is basic and Best workout for physical fitness.

Steps to do Padmasana (Lotus Position)

Padmasan | Yoga the way to Workout of My Life
  • Sit on the flat ground and strait the legs forward
  • Now Cross the both leg by putting right foot on the left thigh and the left one on the right thigh.
  • Place both the hands on each knee joints in such a way that palm stay open and it at front side.

Benefits of Padmasana

  • Increase concentration
  • Improve Relaxation 
  • Deep breathing increasing the blood circulation
  • Bring Peace in mind  

Friday, 6 January 2017

Surya Namaskar | Yoga the way to Workout of My Life

Surya Namaskar | A Yoga the way to Workout of My Life

Surya Namaskar | A Yoga the way to Workout of My Life
Surya Namaskar is Sanskrit Word सूर्यनमस्कार i.e. Sun Salutation. I Found Surya Namaskar is One of the best way for workout of my life. It is an essential part of Yoga.
One can include thankful attitude towards Sun with Sun Salutation practice that is Surya namaskar along with sun salutation mantras.When we are Doing Surya Namaskar alsong with Mantrs  at that time we are honor not only the Sun but the entire Nature. Through Surya Namaskar we are devoting our honor to yoga practice.
If we want to save time and trying to look for a single exercise to stay fit, the answer: Surya Namaskar. Surya Namaskar is not a single Yoga Asana it is a step by step sequence of 12 yoga asanas (postures). Surya Namaskars are the best way to keep the body in shape and the mind calm and healthy in short it is the best way of Art of Living.

Best time to Do Surya Namaskar

Best time to do Surya Namaskar is at early morning with an empty stomach. Let’s begin with these simple yet effective Sun Salutation steps on our way to good health.

How to Do Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutaion) ? 

Surya Namaskar contain 12 stets which shown as blow.

Surya Namaskar Steps | Yoga the way to Workout of My Life

Benefits of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

  • Warms up and prepares our the body for Yoga Asana. 
  • Increases and Sustain the blood circulation to the body. 
  • Strengthens the body. 
  • Increases efficiency of the internal organs. 
  • Very Useful for weight loss while practiced as an exercise. 
  • Much Helps to balance the internal secretion system.